This advanced search provides you search by bank name,state and the desired Branch name. This gives you IFSC code, MICR code. of selected bank branch.
You can also select bank names from the list provided below to reach to the desired branch name.
NEFT stands for National Electronic Funds Transfer. It is a nation-wide system that provides facility to individuals,
firms and corporates to electronically transfer funds from any bank branch to any individual, firm or corporate having an account with
any other bank branch in the country. For being part of the NEFT funds transfer network, a bank branch has to be NEFT-enabled.
As at end-January 2011, 74,680 branches / offices of 101 banks in the country (out of around 82,400 bank branches) are NEFT-enabled.
Steps are being taken to further widen the coverage both in terms of banks and branches / offices.
IFSC Code:-
IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code.
In the Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS), the Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is being used as the addressing code in user-to-user message transmission.
The Payment System Applications such as RTGS, CFMS and NEFT developed by the Reserve Bank of India use these codes.
The IFSC code consists of 11 Characters - e.g. SBIN0003853
1.First 4 characters (4 Alpha chars) represent the entity. (SBIN0003853)
2.Fifth position has been defaulted with a '0' (Zero) for future use (SBIN0003853)
3.And the Last 6 character (6 Numeric chars) denotes the branch identity. (SBIN0003853)
MICR Code:-
MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. It is a technology used for processing cheques in financial sector.
MICR Code is 9 digit numeric code that identifies a Bank branch which is participating in the ECS system.
The MICR code consists of 9 digits - e.g 411229003
First 3 digits represent the city (411229003 )
Next 3 digits represent the bank (411229003 )
Last 3 digits represent the branch (411229003 )
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